It started as a simple idea...while working out of a home garage for several years was fun, having an actual office would be a better way to pass the time between broadcasts! It should be more than just an inside version of the startup garage... It should have a studio or two, a comfortable atmosphere, and just about everything that you would find in a regular radio station, just without the burden of a broadcast transmitter. Voila! From Radio Broadcast Services, LLC our official home at RBS Just Studios was "born" in 2005.
Since that time, we've grown nicely. A console upgrade here, a new phone hybrid system there. And don't forget about the computer automation system that tops it off.
Are you thinking about producing a daily or weekly program for syndication? Need to make your podcast stand out from the crowd by adding “all the bells and whistles”? Maybe you have been assigned to create a one-time program for your corporate website. Producers from many broadcast companies contract Radio Broadcast Services metropolitan Detroit studios for hourly use to facilitate interviews with local guests or when their hosts visit the Detroit area and need temporary studio access to keep the show on air.
Whatever the circumstance, Radio Broadcast Services, LLC’s “Just Studios” is the solution. Our studios are private, professional, and comfortable, with seating for up to 4 people. They offer many of the features and functions available in the best radio stations—and probably the features that your hosts and guests need most to effectively broadcast outside of your studios.
Your show can connect with the outside world via IP CODEC, streamed to the web, recorded as a file, or burned to CD.
Our main studio equipment list includes a Harris Netwave Console, AudioVault automation, Denon digital recorder, Telos NX12 Talkshow system, AssistPro call screening software, Telos/Comrex/ Tieline/BarIX IP CODECS, Shure KSM27 microphones, DBX processing, and Sony/Shure headphones, to name just some of the equipment that we offer.
The recent addition of video makes for an exciting upgrade for both syndicated programmers and podcasters alike. Gone are the days of a single static camera sufficing as a fly on the wall. Radio Broadcast Services Just Studios utilizes Sony PTZ cameras and a Newtek Tricaster so that your listeners can get a powerful glimpse behind the scenes, complete with CG, effects, SKYPE calling, along with video and
Powerpoint presentations. You can chose to stream live, or record the video stream to post to your website, Youtube, or iTunes for later viewing.
Need something to keep you going through your show? Users have access to high speed internet, ice cold Absopure water, tea, espresso, cappuccino, latte, or plain old cup of coffee, just to make it even more comfortable than home!
It’s called “Just Studios” because it is like being in a radio station… just without the broadcast transmitter. Studios without a transmitter = Just Studios.